The Swine Flu got me thinking about how the phases of the best viral marketing campaigns are similar in growth to the rising threat levels of a flu pandemic. Yes, I admit, I really have to get a life beyond marketing if I’m seeing marketing theory in the Swine Flu outbreak, but honestly, it’s the first thing I thought of when I saw the CDC’s Flu Pandemic Phases. I need to get out more, but I digress.
Anyway, I put together a viral marketing theory pyramid with the 5 phases of the best viral marketing campaigns. In my mind, the best viral marketing campaigns are not just campaigns that spread across the Internet, but rather the ones that people become emotionally involved in and speak out loud and vehemently about. Take a look at my pyramid below, and then leave a comment and let me know your thoughts. Do you see anything missing? What would you add or change?
Click here to see a larger version of the image
That’s a great summary. And it’s true viral marketing all begins with one message being distributed to a few news sources. Video seems to be more effective in going viral than other forms of media. You could submit one video to a handful of sites like Adwido, and it could go viral if the content is newsworthy.