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The Louis Vuitton brand image is a high-end, high-price, luxury brand. It’s a status symbol brand from France that many consumers aspire to own. I’m not sure I completely understand why Louis Vuitton would select Madonna to pose for its new ad campaign.
This ad comes on the heels of Louis Vuitton’s “Where Will Life Take You?” television and print ads that debuted within the past year featuring celebrities like Keith Richards. The pairing of the haggard Rolling Stones guitarist and Louis Vuitton puzzled me at the time. While I suppose Keith Richards is certainly well-traveled, I’m not sure if he’s the best embodiment of the high-class Louis Vuitton brand.
It’s not new for Louis Vuitton to rely on celebrities to promote its brand. Even if you visit the Louis Vuitton website today, you’ll find images of Sean Connery and a link to the story of his “journey” on the home page.
That brings me back to Madonna and Louis Vuitton. I’m confused by the message the pairing is trying communicate. I’m not sure what it is. Don’t get me wrong, I love Madonna as much as any other girl who was a teenager during the 1980s, but seeing her in a Louis Vuitton ad doesn’t make me want to own a piece of Louis Vuitton luggage.
Two images from the Madonna-Louis Vuitton campaign are included in this post (via StyleIT). What do you think?
Images: Louis Vuitton
Hey! A hag with a bag…Just kidding, but while Madonna is so recognizable, she isn’t exuding class in the two ads. Also, she’s no longer as relevant as a fashionista as she once was, at least here in the states. Maybe she has some newfound cache’ since she’s acquired her english accent and been living in the U.K., I just don’t know. Maybe I’m an ignorant trog and just don’t get “fashion”?