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Back in 2006, the marketing team behind Axe Body Spray, deodorant and shower gel decided to create some webisodes. Clearly targeted at men, the webisodes were funny, depicting news reports about the effects of Axe products. It’s been about two years, and the videos are still going viral, making the rounds across the Internet to people who have yet to see them.
Both videos are amusing and borderline inappropriate for PG audiences. I suppose you could say the same thing about most Axe commercials, too.
Check out two of the Axe webisodes below, and you’ll see why they’re still popular online. A mix of humor and shock value along with content that is still relevant two years later make these videos somewhat timeless. Truth be told, they could have been made today or five years ago. Since content lives online for a very long time, creating timeless viral videos can impact your brand and your business for many years to come.
Warning: the first Axe video gets a bit distasteful toward the end, but is otherwise fairly harmless.
Warning: the second Axe video is a bit more crude in parts, but overall, only mildly distasteful.
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