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Every advertiser knows (particularly online advertisers) that white space is important, yet it can be so easy to fall victim to the allure of that unused space and fill it up with more messages. The result is inevitably a confused customer who doesn’t know where to look and ends up simply looking away.
That’s why it’s great to see an ad that makes great use of white space, clean design and simple colors to get noticed in one of the busiest of places – the home page of Yahoo!
Several times yesterday I found myself on the home page of Yahoo!, and each time, my eye was immediately drawn to the ad on the right side of the page. An ad always appears in that spot, and my eyes have been trained not to notice it. However, sometimes an ad jumps out at me and makes me take a second look. Yesterday was one of those days, but instead of just making me take a second look, this ad made me take a second, and third, and fourth look. Each time I visited yesterday, I stopped and looked at this ad. Check it out below.
Taking the ad out of its context, you’d never guess that it could be so visually compelling, but amdist the cluttered mess of the Yahoo! home page, this simple red and white ad for the Special K Challenge stood out like a beacon. It simply catches the eye and makes you look at it.
Is the message compelling enough? That’s another story entirely, and the design details could use some tweaking. But the point is this – the design concept with the stark red and white colors and heavy use of white space worked.
Just food for thought next time you’re creating an online ad that has to compete with clutter on all sides. White space is good! Embrace white space.
What do you think?
Image: Kellogg