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Have you heard of Catholic Google? It’s a new website that is not affiliated with Google but uses Google’s search function to deliver search results that are more acceptable to the Catholic religion. Check out the logo pictured to the left.
Sounds like and looks like a trademark dispute waiting to happen (unless there’s more going on here than meets the eye).
Your thoughts?
By the way, I found this via USA Today where Cathy Lynn Grossman revealed her search for “birth control” on Catholic Google delivered a top result describing the Catholic church’s denouncement of birth control next to an ad for the pill by an online Canadian pharmacy. Looks like Catholic Google needs some tweaking if it’s going to live up to its slogan, “The best way for good Catholics to search the web.”
Makes you wonder what’s next. According to the USA Today article, the URL for Muslim Google has already been purchased but is not in use yet.
I guess it all depends on how much bad publicity Google’s willing to take on if they sued. Also, the Pope might excommunicate them from the church! I love their tagline on the website “The best way for good Catholics to surf the web”. I tell you, religious folk are a hoot!