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I often write about companies that recently revamped their logos, but today, I’m going to do something a bit different and track the evolution of a logo to see if the changes made to the corporate icon over the decades seems logical and well-executed. I chose Fuji for the first logo history review, because the company provides a good example of doing things right.
Check out the evolution of the Fuji logo in pictures below:
The Fuji logo started in 1936 just as you’d expect. Many logos in the first half of the twentieth century had a very simple, one-color design, and Fuji’s logo was not an exception to the norm. In 1960, the company added a burst of much needed color, but kept the design simple.
Things changed in 1980 when the logo icon many consumers still associate with Fuji today was created. The iconic symbol stayed as an element of the logo for 26 years until the company left the dated, yet well-known, symbol behind and exchanged it with a more modern logo and typeface.
I have to admit, I like the current logo. It’s always hard for consumers to let go of a well-known logo that’s been around for a long time. A strong logo is inherently connected with the brand, and consumers develop a sense of security with that logo. However, Fuji made the bold decision to delete the archaic symbol. In this case, the decision worked.
What do you think of the Fuji logo evolution? Thumbs up or thumbs down?
I’ll give it a thumbs up. They retained the color scheme and I like the red “pop” in the middle. So many companies seem to go over the top when they try to reinvent themselves and their logo.