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I was left nearly speechless as I watched Microsoft’s most recent demonstration of total lameness; however, I was able to utter the words that no advertiser wants to hear at the end of one of their ads, “WTF?”
Check out Microsoft’s new “pseudoinformercial” for Songsmith below. I forced myself to sit through the torture, and it was exactly that – torture. This effort marks one more thing to add to the list of Microsoft’s complete inability to understand the marketplace.
What do you think? Are you running to try Songsmith after watching this video or staring at your screen in utter amazement of Microsoft’s latest failed attempt to connect with just about anyone?
hehehe, I want everyone else’s day wrecked just like mine was. Microsoft could not sell Beer and Cigarettes on a Troop Ship!
This was a cruel joke to play on your followers young lady!
Sorry, Bob. I had to share the torture! 🙂
I toughed it out until the very end, but OH MY GOD! What the hell are they thinking? I don’t know what was worse; listenin to this drivel or watching it. I’d send this video to someone as a joke, but it stopped being funny after the first 30 seconds…
Someone please tell me this was a joke. If not, please tell me the people who dreamed this up have been put down and not mercifully either.
Yeah, someone please tell me this is an SNL skit and not a real product.