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This week, I answered some questions posed to me by Dan Schawbel of Personal Branding Blog about my new book, Building Brand Value the Playboy Way
, and my book about the Harry Potter brand, Harry Potter: The Story of a Global Business Phenomenon
You can read the full interview on Dan’s blog and learn how Hugh Hefner, Playboy and Harry Potter are connected in terms of branding strategy.
Bet you never thought you’d hear that Playboy and Harry Potter can be compared to each other!
Here’s a brief excerpt from the interview:
Dan Schawbel: What branding lessons can we learn from Playboy and Harry Potter?
Susan Gunelius: I think the biggest similarity between the Playboy and Harry Potter brands is the importance of having a brand champion and brand guardian at the helm. Both Playboy and Harry Potter have two of the strongest brand champions and advocates leading the way — Hugh Hefner and J.K. Rowling. Both resolutely defend their brands just as much as they promote them.
Read the rest here.