It’s been awhile since I’ve seen an ad that hit so close to home and is as funny as the new Dunkin’ Donuts commercial, which puts everyday people in the middle of monumental situations and tells them they “‘kin do it” with Dunkin’ Donuts coffee in hand. Check it out below.
I love this commercial. I’ve been the person in the middle of all of the situations in this commercial at one time or another – digging out of snow when I used to live in New Jersey (I moved to Florida for better weather), pushing a stroller filled with my triplets and wishing for naptime to come, trying desperately to put together toys, playhouses, etc. while the triplets impatiently waited, inundated with a desk of paperwork.
I think the vast majority of people have been in at least one of these situations and can relate to this commercial. Kudos to Dunkin’ Donuts!
By the way, I just drank a cup of Dunkin’ Donuts coffee this morning!
What do you think? Is there a situation in this commercial you can relate to?
Wow! I can identify with each one of those scenes, although I only have three kids, not four. I think they should expand this and show people doing stuff with their free hand while maintaining the G.I. Joe Kung-Fu grip on their Dunkin’ Donuts coffee. That would probably be even funnier.
I cracked up at the snow scene having lived in upstate, NY, and then again with the swingset. Have you ever put one of those together? What a nightmare! Funny!