Just a random branding thought today.
Is it just me or does the brand name SoyJoy remind you of Soul Glo? Everytime I hear the name SoyJoy, I hear the Soul Glo song, “Just Let Your Soul Glow,” over and over in my head.
For those of you who may not have seen one of my favorite movies, here’s a clip of the Soul Glo commercial from Coming to America.
It’s just you. You need to get out more often. Actually, now that I’ve read this, I can’t get that song out of my head or the scene in the movie where all of the “Soul Glow” family get up from the couch and you see the stains where their heads were resting.
Actually, when I see or hear SoyJoy, I think of “Happy Happy Joy Joy” from the old Ren & Stimpy show. Wow! I probably need to get out more often.
Scott, that’s so funny! Now I can’t get that Ren and Stimpy song out of my head! 🙂