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Premium chocolates were all the rage for awhile. Godiva, Ghirardelli, even Dove grabbed some market share in recent years as the more affordable deluxe chocolate. Now, Tootsie Roll Industries wants to get some of that action and is rolling out Deluxe Junior Mints.
The pricier, fancy Junior Mints are bigger than the movie theater standby, and they’re covered in dark chocolate – which apparently, is immediately supposed to invoke feelings of quality and an acceptance of a higher pricetag in consumers’ minds. Just in case the dark chocolate doesn’t do the trick, the new Deluxe Junior Mints will also be etched on top with “JM”, I’d imagine in a highly stylized typeface.
I’m not saying the Deluxe Junior Mints product doesn’t have a chance at success, but is the attempt too late? Just when consumers are looking to save money, Deluxe Junior Mints hit the market. Will people pay $3.99 for 12 oz. of Deluxe Junior Mints? What do you think?
I love Junior Mints and have always been a big fan of the jumbo movie size package, but I won’t be swayed by the upscale extension. I don’t want the dark chocolate, am not concerned about the antioxidant benefit of dark chocolate and don’t care if I can read “JM” etched into the surface using my tongue.
If they offered Junior Mints in a convenient portable tin and the mints wouldn’t melt when carried in the pocket, then you might have my attention…