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Marketers typically fall into one of two categories — the more creative, left-brained marketers and the more analytical right-brained marketers. There is an image that circulates around the Web every few months tah will tell you in seconds whether you’re left-brained or right-brained.
Give the test a try by looking at the female figure dancing in the picture below. Is she turning clockwise or counter-clockwise? Once you decide, find out what your choice means after the jump.
Apparently, if you see the dancer turning clockwise, then you are right-brained, and if you see her turning counter-clockwise, you are left-brained.
Right-brained people are said to be more creative with a focus on language, writing, etc. Left-brained people are said to think in a more linear fashion with a focus on numbers, logic and analysis.
That distinct difference between right-brained and left-brained people can be seen clearly within the fields of marketing and branding. Which are you? Do you think this simple test is accurate? What if you can make it go both ways like I can? Does that mean you’re insane?
Check out my post later this week, which will talk about another distinct difference between marketers.
Images: Flickr and BrandweekNRX
This image always freaks me out. Initially, it looks clockwise, but if I concentrate hard, it flips and rotates counter-clockwise … but then if I blink it away, it reverts to clockwise.
Prescott, the same thing happens to me. Perhaps we’re both crazy! 🙂
I watched the image very carefully and believe that it is designed to deliberately alter direction. I watched her change direction right in the middle of a turn.