I love YouTube. Just a week or so ago, I posted some hilarious Snuggie parody videos, and now, I found the ShamWow song that parodies the slightly disturbing ShamWow commercial / informercial. It just goes to show that an over the top commercial can drive a buzz. Whether or not its the kind of buzz that will increase sales and drive positive PR is another subject entirely, but I digress. Check out the ShamWow song below!
And “in case you’ve been under a rock,” here’s the original ShamWow commercial.
As with the Snuggie, I just can’t bring myself to purchase it. I did spit out coffee onto my keyboard while laughing when the guy drank the soda wrung from the Shamwow. Hmmm, maybe the Shamwow could dry out my keyboard…
Wow, ShamWow. I think ShamWow needs to start running this musical version instead of Vince’s version. Catchy and hilarious, what more could you want?
wow this parody is funny. but seriously though. am i the only one who notices that the soda underneath the carpet is already gone before he starts this “real time” crap? shamwow is the most pointless thing ever and anyone who buys it is retarded