Kudos to Valpak for coming up with creative advertising copy that’s generating a buzz. At the end of 2008, Valpak was laying off workers as more and more businesses cut their advertising budgets. This month, Valpak introduced a new ad campaign that dubs the company’s iconic blue envelopes as the “original consumer stimulus package since 1968.”
The copy goes on to say, “It doesn’t take an act of Congress or a trillion bucks to stimulate consumer spending. You can reinvigorate the economy today by putting a money-saving offer in the hands of targeted consumers.”
The message is even on the Valpak website. Check out the screenshot below. I love the life preserver.
At a time when small business owners can’t afford to cut advertising and consumers are actively looking for ways to save money, the new Valpak ad campaign is both timely and effective. Well done!
Remember, an economic downturn can present new opportunities with out-of-the-box thinking.
Your thoughts?
I had a post on our blog awhile back for contractors about Valpak. I told them it was a Trojan horse is you will, to get inside the homes of their prospects. These remain a great way to advertise. If Valpak is laying people off; then they need to remind businesses, Harvard has some great studies proving businesses that advertise during times like these do quite well! If everyone cut’s back you’re the only show in town. You’ll come out of the gate first when the economy picks up again, and it will!
I’ve found Valpak to be only slightly more useful than the old Entertainment coupon books that the schools were always selling. I think I might even have to start subscribing to the Sunday edition of our local paper, just so I can clip coupons.
I hope Valpak is successful with their campaign and can stay afloat during these hard times, because at least they help me save on some things.
Well said, Bob, and you’re absolutely right. I just read an article yesterday saying that ValPak sales are up significantly. Some business owners seem to “get it” that advertising during an economic downturn is very important!
Thanks for the kind words Sharon. I work with Valpak of Austin, San Diego, St. Louis, Sacramento and Kansas City…and sales are VERY healthy as we continue to aggressively pick up new clients we can help. Valpak is a great tool for local businesses…helping lots of them stay afloat in these tough economic times. Ultimately, our clients will come out on top when the economy bounces back as they continue to pick up market share.
Hmm, business is up for Valpak? Well, apparently that wasn’t enough to upgrade their horrible working conditions and dead end jobs and low pay. Their new building has proven to be a money pit as well.