Who knew when Apple released the iPhone to much fanfare that it would be where it is today? Sure, it seemed obvious that it would change the cell phone market. The touch screen is great, and everything with that little Apple logo immediately seems cooler than any other similar product, but who new the term “iPhone app” would permeate our culture to rival Twitter in terms of being buzzworthy?
And who would have thought that the iPhone can also be used as an instrument? But alas, there’s an app for that. It’s like the Swiss Army Knife of telephonic gadgetry!
According to an article from The Register, musician Gary Go has a new stage show the likes of which have never been seen before. He’s heading out on tour with just one instrument — his iPhone. He’ll be performing at Wembley in London in July — just a guy and his iPhone. Whatever happens while Gary Go and his iPhone are on tour, it’s great publicity for Apple.
Your thoughts?
I loved your statement about it being “the Swiss Army Knife of telephonic gadgetry”, but can it slice, dice and julienne fries? I’m not sure how I feel about a musician who doesn’t actually play and instrument, although I could just be iPhone prejudiced and jealous (I don’t own one). Don’t get me wrong, I’ll watch some of the show when it’s posted up on YouTube.
“the Swiss Army Knife of telephonic gadgetry”… so true so true
Hi Susan!! How are things? I presume very well.
Tia! It’s wonderful to hear from you! How are things at HSBC? Send me an email (susan@keysplashcreative.com) when you can and give me an update on your life!
Having seen Gary performing a couple of tracks using just the iPhone it’s actually quite interesting and incredible…….but he is a musician who plays instruments as well…mainly keys but also guitar….and he will be doing so when on tour with Take That. He’ll just be doing a couple of songs with the iPhone and will be doing other songs with his band.